Since the lockdown announcement early last week, British Marine and TYHA (the Yacht Harbour Association) have been working with the government to clarify the intentions with regard to marinas. Initially the advice was that all services deemed “non-essential” should be closed, however this position has evolved somewhat and updated advice was released to the sector at the end of last week. Broadly the government is drawing a parallel between marinas and leisure caravan parks and is advising accordingly.
The main guidance is as follows:
Leisure moorings are a non-essential service, boat owners should follow the directive to stay at home and therefore boat owners should not visit the marina or use their boats.
Where individuals are staying on their boats, they should return to their primary residence where this is possible. If not they can remain provided they follow government guidance and maintain social distancing.
Boatyard services may continue only if these services can be conducted safely and without requiring customers to leave their homes. Services can therefore go ahead if it is deemed safe to do so after risk assessments and provided correct safety measures are implemented and no customers are present.
Tenant services can continue on the same basis i.e. if the services can be conducted safely, subject to risk assessments, safety measures and provided no customers are present.
Fuel provision only if required to supply essential commercial activities and subject to risk assessments.
Where any services are offered they all have to be subject to ongoing risk assessments and the maintenance of social distancing.
Following on from this, James is carrying out risk assessments in regard to boat movements and it may be that we are able to carry out a limited yard programme next week. We have a tricky site because of the footpaths and consequent open access to the public and boat movements will only go ahead if we are confident that the risk is manageable and the staff are willing and able to operate. Should we go ahead, only boats that are ready to be moved will be included and James will contact individual owners directly. No customers will be allowed to be present for the moving of their boats. It is of course entirely possible that the situation and/or the advice may change again in the coming days.and we will react appropriately.
The marina office remains closed but office administration is being carried out from home and we will be contactable by phone and by email. The office phone is being forwarded to Alison (if you don’t get me immediately please be patient as I may be out for a walk, taking my one prescribed piece of exercise per day!). Please use email in the first instance if you can. Customers can access our online portals to make payments and we can also accept payments over the phone.
If you want something checked on your boat or indeed a photo to show that all is well, please contact us and one of the yard staff should be able to sort this for you.
Once again we apologise for the restrictions. Clearly this is not how anyone would like the season to be going. Our continued priority is keeping our staff and our wider community safe – thank you for all the messages of support, these are very much appreciated.
As always, any concerns or queries please make contact. We hope you all stay safe and healthy.