Project Kraken – keeping local waters safe

What is Project Kraken?

Project Kraken is a national police maritime crime and counter terrorism initiative to protect the waters and coastine of the UK and replaces Marinewatch. If you see anything suspicious while you are on the water or on the coast we want to hear about it. Your information could be vital in helping to prevent major crime including terrorism, human or drugs trafficking and the theft of boats and marine equipment.

Sussex and Hampshire Police Forces are engaged with other Project Kraken police schemes, the UK Border Agency (UKBA) and other agencies across the south coast. If you are visiting the coast or sailing in the waters of these areas and view suspicious activity please call on the following numbers quoting Project Kraken:

  • Sussex Police 0845 60 70 999
  • Hampshire Police 0845 04 54 545

For further details including what to look for and how to register to receive project updates, click here to go to the Sussex Project Kraken page. The site also provide useful marine crime prevention advice.